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Prayer is the lifeblood of M2540. Weekly prayer takes place from 7:00 pm - 9:00pm every Monday while our street teams are out. Occasionally, we invite small groups to come and pray for the streets before, during and/or after we are out there.  The M2540 Prayer Team exists on the premise that salvation is God’s work, not man’s.  While God graciously allows us to be a part of his salvation work, and even commands us to share the Gospel story with the world, it is wholly and only a Holy Spirit work that draws a human being to Himself. Therefore, our Prayer Team serves to plead with God on behalf of the hearts of our homeless friends in the Columbus, GA area.  We know that God hears our prayers and, for whatever reason, He chooses to work and answer when we pray to Him.  We believe we are in intimate relationship with God, and prayer is simply a pouring out of our hearts to the One our souls love.  He hears us and loves us.


It is critical that prayer and ministry go hand-in-hand.  There is so much need that it is often easy to get caught up in the work and forget to talk to God about it in the midst of the effort. Our hope for the M2540 Prayer Team is that we will support our brothers and sisters in prayer – in pleading with God on behalf of the broken – while they are out on the streets spreading the name and hope of our one true love, Jesus Christ. If you would like to join our Prayer Team or have any questions about our prayer ministry, please contact:



Join our street team!  Because of our desire to build relationships with those on the street, we, as a ministry, commit ourselves to going out every Monday and Tuesday. However, we fully understand the demands on your time.  We would love for you to commit to every Monday, but we recognize that you may only be able to serve once a month…and that’s 1,000% OK.   Please prayerfully consider joining one of our street teams and, if you are interested, please contact



Our Church Small Group Program allows your small group, community group, or Sunday school class to be the hands and feet of Jesus and participate in an outreach by providing the meal that is served on a particular night.  We regularly prepare and deliver 175-180 meals on each outreach.  We prepare the menu and you prepare the meal.  For example, a typical meal would be ground beef and rice casserole, green beans, roll, and dessert. 


Sometimes we are able to get food from the food bank to help offset some of your expense.  As your date gets closer, you will be assigned a program coordinator who will manage your event.  Email for available dates.



We are a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your financial support will further God’s work in Columbus and make our ministry more effective. These tangible acts of love help us to earn trust and prove our commitment as we help reduce the number of chronically homeless in our area.

© 2024 M2540     I      All Rights Reserved      I     Registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit

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